Buildings & Grounds
We are fortunate to have spacious, well-maintained grounds and adjoining council sporting grounds and the Margaret Lewis Reserve that the school has historically used and supported. The extensive shaded grounds also feature two basketball/netball courts an oval, modern play equipment and lovely gardens. To keep the grounds in their best condition, the school employs the services of a talented gardener, Meredith Tilton, whose work is appreciated, not only by those who are at school each day, but by the many visitors to the school.

The school buildings are spacious with many double classrooms allowing flexible use and student comfort.
Well-resourced Art Room and Library and extra spaces are being upgraded as funds become available.
Facilities are well managed by the School Council through its Buildings and Grounds sub-committee. This committee meets monthly to plan and work through maintenance items and apply for grants to further improve facilities. All families are invited to become involved in management of the school’s resources that utilise a combination of professional skills and community support through our working bees.
The school library is an extremely valuable resource for both students and teachers alike, where books and materials are available for planning, curriculum and research purposes, and, of course books to read for pleasure. A library technician is employed part time to ensure it remains a workable library.

Reading Pod
The School was fortunate to gain Creative Artist Partnerships funding to explore the children’s beliefs about Reading which our Artist friend Tiger Dave did with the Prep, 1 & 2 students. They explored favourite books and illustrators and then synthesised their ideas into this fabulous space which the children just adore. Even the playgroup children love it!

Undercover Area
Coldstream Primary School is lucky enough to have a wonderful undercover area that means that even on the wettest and hottest days, children are able to go outside for fresh air and activity while still staying well protected. It is inclusive of a racing track along with a giant chess board and other fun activities.