School Production
Every two years Coldstream Primary School presents a whole school production, giving the students a chance to showcase their wonderful talents. Our school productions ensure that every single student has a performance opportunity from Prep right through to Grade 6. Students have the opportunity to audition for the lead and supporting roles, and every student participates in the show. School productions are a fantastic opportunity for the whole school community to come together and celebrate the student’s success.
After a long awaited return to the stage, in 2022 our students performed the Pirates of the Curry Bean.

The whole school rehersal for the production YeHa in 2018.

The whole school rehersal for the production YeHa in 2018.

The whole school rehersal for the production YeHa in 2018.

The whole school rehersal for the production YeHa in 2018.

The whole school rehersal for the production YeHa in 2018.

The whole school rehersal for the production Robin and his Sherwood Hoodies in 2016.

The whole school rehersal for the production Robin and his Sherwood Hoodies in 2016.

The whole school rehersal for the production Robin and his Sherwood Hoodies in 2016.

The whole school rehersal for the production Robin and his Sherwood Hoodies in 2016.