Our Mathematics Program aims to fully develop students’ mathematical skills of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning, which are fundamental to learning Mathematics and working mathematically. These skills are applied across all three strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
A minimum of one hour each day is set aside to develop mathematical strategies through whole class, group and individual teaching and learning situations. Students are also provided with opportunities to work collaboratively. Children are assessed and challenged in their learning to ensure that they are engaged and excited by the hands on mathematical tasks using a wide range of concrete materials to connect with authentic learning experiences, relating mathematics with day to day life. We incorporate the use of ICT to further enrich learning.
The program is supported by Essential Assessments and Mathletics which allow for teachers to individually tailor programs. Students take great pride in achieving outstanding results and being acknowledged for their homework through Mathletics certificates presented at assembly each week.