Coldstream Voice
Coldstream Voice (CV) aims to provide an opportunity for everyone in Coldstream to have their voices heard.
If you live, work or play in Coldstream, you are part of the community body of Coldstream Voice. CV aims to bring the community together for the benefit of all and we would like to hear from you.
We have been working with Yarra Ranges Council to proactively shape our community. Some of our achievements are footpath construction, the new playground, improvements to the Community Centre, development of the Melba Walk Project and the Coldstream Structure Plan. This is your way to have your say in Coldstream.
Map of the Melba Walk Project and Morris from Coldstream Voice working with some students in the Margaret Lewis Reserve.
CV has also conducted community markets and often works in collaboration with Coldstream Primary School for the Coldstream Festival, for the community Trivia Night and and other events.
If you live work or play in Coldstream, this is your Voice.
To find out more, check it out on Facebook. Write, email, come along to one of the activities or drop in to a meeting and have your say on what’s happening. You will always be welcome.
Mail: c/o Coldstream Primary School, Kelso Street Coldstream 3770