Physical Education
The P.E program is developed sequentially from Prep to Year 6 and encompasses the Victorian Curriculum. Students have one hour sessions each week supplemented by extra sessions with their class teacher. In Physical Education, students participate in a skills based program that provides them with the tools for participation in sporting activities and in the development of a healthy lifestyle. Research indicates that a specially devised PE course supports healthy brain development.
The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment! In addition, students participate in the following activities:
Swimming (whole school)
Outdoor Education (camps Years 3 - 6)
Perceptual Motor Programme (Foundation)
Inter School Sport (Years 4-6)
District Athletics and cross country carnivals (Years 3 - 6)
A wide variety of additional optional programs (Years 5 and 6 -eg kayaking, table tennis, archery, badminton) and a host of free clinics offered to our school.