Principal Welcome
Coldstream Primary School is a strongly family oriented school with high educational expectations and a social vision that is based on respect for self, others and the environment. Achieving academic excellence for us is the result of student, staff and parent engagement, creativity, discipline and humour; and in this way we can positively contribute to our community as global citizens.
We are intensely proud of Coldstream’s history and take every opportunity to be involved in shaping our community. We are in an ideally placed to offer our students the opportunities that are afforded by a small school and every child is well known to the Coldstream community. We track the development and the emotional wellbeing of every individual ensuring that they are well supported, extended and engaged. Our programs and the opportunities offered are extensive and we proudly offer a full specialist program, many extracurricular activities and sports including being a Scientist in Schools affiliate and a Lego Champion School. Our commitment to Indigenous perspectives extends from our Early Years service throughout the school. and the mentor program is extensive and is well supported by our chaplain. We have the advantages of being in a metropolitan setting and also offer the benefits of a smaller size school with a rural feel and a connection to the local community and to our environment. Our focus on the individual enables us to offer targeted, individualised programs that cater to the needs of each child.
Student wellbeing is paramount and we are a School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (SWPBS) school that focuses on building positive interactions and feedback. This is underpinned by the TRIBES agreements that support children to understand how Respectful Relationships are created and maintained and students are explicitly taught how to make positive and productive choices that contribute to the wellbeing of everyone in our school. Assertiveness training is a feature of our Restorative Practices and together they support our Childsafe compliance.
We love our school and welcome you to tour
Kind regards,
Phillippa Adgemis